Monday, November 15, 2010



Hamdard product came from Unani Medicine which is more protect and control your body. Hamdard medicines highly effective in our body system compare to other medicine. Especially works on stomach digestive process. Now iam showing 3 Hamdard product, I think these products work efficiently to your digestive system. I am sure to guarantee your health when you use these medicines. No side effects below medicines;

HAMDOROID capsules:-

Prophylactic and Curative for Piles capsules.

Each slip contains 10 capsules use 3 capsules per a day for curative piles. Bleeding blood, rashes, fistula, no free motion, fishers are the dangerous diseases. Use these capsules for 10 days and see the results.

Dosage:- 1 to 2 capsules twice or thrice a day.

Rs.65/- (5 Slips in one box)

Each capsule contains formula;

Rasaut Mussaffa: 200 mg

Gugal: 200 mg

Maghz Neem: 50 mg

Post Ritha: 50 mg

Manufactured by:

B/1-2, III-indi. Area, Meerut road, Gaziabad (UP)




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